What you will find here
Every time I learn something useful about hugo
, and I want to remember it, I add another paragraph here.
Oh, you never heard about Hugo ? go visit https://gohugo.io !! 💨
Howtos ToC
Change depth of ToC
#... A lot of configuration before
# --- here the top Level configuration
# element 'markdown' is the one we
# use to configure ToC level
# just to set ToC depth
endLevel: 4
startLevel: 2
# ordered: false
#... A lot of confiugration after
Hugo, dates, and Time
Well hugo
has a lot of work and no time to get some date with huguette…
Everything about Dates and time in hugo projects’ here.
Generating a hugo date string
I’ll show you how to do that using a docker container, so that you can run this operation anywhere you can run a docker container.
I know of two formats that are going to be accepted as valid by hugo
as a date
(in the frontmatter) for a post :
docker pull debian
docker run -itd --restart unless-stopped --name deb_util debian bash
# export DATE_CMD_WITH_TIMEZONE_SHIFT="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z'"
# export DATE_CMD_WITHOUT_TIMEZONE="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%'"
export DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z'"
export DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z' -d '+1 days'"
docker exec -it deb_util bash -c "${DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW}"
docker exec -it deb_util bash -c "${DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY}"
Return to the Future Hugo
In the frontmatter of a hugo
post, you can set two different date times :
- the post
: that’s the date the user will see as date the post was written - the post
: that’s a very interesting one, just test the example below, you’ll understand!
First, generate two datetime string, the current date time, and the current datetime plus exactly 24 hours :
docker pull debian
docker run -itd --restart unless-stopped --name deb_util debian bash
export DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z'"
export DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z' -d '+1 days'"
docker exec -it deb_util bash -c "${DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW}"
docker exec -it deb_util bash -c "${DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY}"
export DATE_NOW=$(docker exec -it deb_util bash -c "${DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW}" | tr -d "\n\r")
export DATE_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY=$(docker exec -it deb_util bash -c "${DATE_CMD_WITH_TZ_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY}" | tr -d "\n\r")
echo "# ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- #"
echo ""
echo "DATE_NOW=[${DATE_NOW}]"
echo ""
echo "# ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- #"
Now create a new post in your hugo
project, and in the front matter set :
- The
, to the value you generated and stored into theDATE_NOW_PLUS_ONE_DAY
environment variable above. - The
, to the value you generated and stored into theDATE_NOW
environment variable above.
In your new post, the front matter will look like :
title: "My Awesome new hugo post!"
date: 2022-06-19T00:21:05+00:00
publishDate: 2022-06-20T00:21:05+00:00
draft: false
github_link: "https://github.com/pokusio/npx-hugo-gmented"
author: "H.P. Lovecraft"
- Awesome Books
- incredible writer
- american
- mystical
- lovecraft
- mythology
image: /images/posts/hplovecraft/callofcthulhu.svg
description: ""
Finally, for both new posts, in your rendered HTML layout, (for example a single.html
layout for the hugo
content type of your post), you must at least render the {{ .Params.date.Format "Monday, Jan 2, 2006" }}
field, for example next to post author, like this :
<div class="text-center">
{{ .Params.author }}
{{ .Params.date.Format "Monday, Jan 2, 2006" }}
Now run your hugo server locally :
- Okay, you have a new post,
- your new post has
as publishing date- your new post is dated in the future, but yet is already published :
- the
tells hugo when to actually publish the article- Every time the
build is executed, hugo will compare thepublishDate
and the current date time, and if thepublishDate
is is the past,hugo
will actually build the post.- When you do not set the
will default its value, to the value of thedate
in the front matter.- This means a
post in the future basivcally will not be built until current system date time is beyond in time